Category: Academic

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Technology: Artificial Intelligence is referred to as the installment of human intelligence within machines, enabling the machines to think and perfor [...]
Low Income Tax Offset (LITO)-Australian Taxation Office

Low Income Tax Offset (LITO)-Australian Taxation Office

Taxation: Low income tax offset (LITO) is linked to the minimum amount (AUD$ 20,453) which working Australian residents need to earn, to make them lia [...]
Tax Free Threshold-Australian Taxation Office

Tax Free Threshold-Australian Taxation Office

Taxation: Tax free threshold refers simply to the level of income earned during the tax year up to which you are not required to pay any income tax. I [...]
What Is Capital Gains Tax?

What Is Capital Gains Tax?

Taxation: Capital gains tax is one of the main component of overall tax liability of a taxpayer. Capital gains tax arises when an asset is disposed of [...]
ATO Capital Gains Tax Knowledge Base

ATO Capital Gains Tax Knowledge Base

Taxation: Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Capital gains tax computation is quite complex and requires understanding of different rules and principles [...]
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